The TFE2-HPC cluster uses Environment Modules for managing software. The modules system permits us to set up the shell environment to make running and compiling software easier. It also allows us to make available many software packages and libraries that would otherwise conflict with one another.

When you first log into the cluster, you will be entered into a very barebone user environment with minimal software available. The module system is a script based system used to manage the user environment and to “activate” software packages. In order to access software that is installed on the cluster, you must first load the corresponding software module.

The directory /software contains sub-directories where the administrators can install additional software.

  • If you need an additional standard package, ask a contact person to arrange for the package to be installed.
  • If you need a package that can be installed in user space then install it yourself. If others will be using the package ask for a directory in /software, otherwise use your home directory.
  • If the package is not standard and requires root privileges to install: ask a contact person.
  • You are not supposed to contact ICTS without talking to your contactperson.

The preinstalled software on the cluster is a.o. :python

Additional software that is not directly available, can be added to your environment using the Environment Modules. To load this software on login, just add the following command to your .bashrc file:

module load <ModuleFolder>/<ModuleName>

To list the available modules run the following command:

module avail

Below is a list of the available optional software and their additional instructions.

ansys Ansys 195, 201, 202, 211 ansys 3.8 module load ansys_inc/v211
cmake cmake v3.21.4 cmake v3.9.0 module load cmake/v3.9.0
Comsol Comsol Multiphysics v5.5, v5.6 comsol vx.x module load comsol/v5.6
GNU project C and C++ compiler 8.5.0 gnu gcc-8 module load gnu/gcc-8
GNU gnuPlot v5.2.8 gnuplot v5.2.8 module load gnuplot/v5.2.8
Intel Compiler 2020 module load
mathematicamathematica v12.0.0 mathematica v12.0.0 module load mathematica/v12.0.0
Mathworks Matlab r2017b, r2018b, r2019b, r2021a mathworks module load matlab/R2021a
mercurial Visual Studio Code v5.1.1 mercurial 1.33.1 module load mercurial/v5.1.1
Python Python Software Foundation 3.7.3 python 3.7.3 module load python/3.7.3
mpi/openmpi-x86_64 mpi/openmp 1.10.7 openmp openmpi-x86_64 module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64
mses module load mses/mses
paraview paraview /v5.6.2, v5.7.0 paraview v5.7.0 module load paraview/v5.7.0
pointwise Pointwise v18.3r1 module load pointwise/v18.3r1
tecplot tecplot 360ex_2020r2, chorus_2020r2 module load tecplot/chorus_2020r2