Before using anaconda, it's required to load the correct environment module, either on the login node (for preparation) or in your SLURM sbatch submit scripts.

Use the following command to load Anaconda2 (with python 2.7) :

module load anaconda2/2020.11
source activate

or for loading Anaconda3 (with python 3.8) :

module load anaconda3/2020.11
source activate

For anaconda (or miniconda) you need to create a new environment first :

conda create -y -n <my-conda-env>

After this you can install directly the package in the new environment :

conda install <PackageName> -n <my-conda-env>

or install it after activation of your environment :

conda activate <my-conda-env>
conda install <PackageName>

If you require to use spyder ide, be sure to use the newest version of Xming v7.x. or mobaXterm.