Jupyter notebooks.

A Step by step guide to use Jupyter notebooks on the HPC/Slurm Cluster.

Initial setup.

mkdir ~/myjupyter
cd ~/myjupyter
cp /deepstore/software/examples/run-jupyter.sbatch .
jupyter notebook password

Starting the Jupyter notebook

sbatch run-jupyter.sbatch

The command will show a <job id>, wait until the job is actually running. Use this <job id> to check the content of the jupiter-notebook-<job id>.log file. This will file will contain the required url to connect to the Jupyter notebook using your local webbrowser.

Connect to the Jupyter notebook.

Now you can connect to your notebook by opening the URL listed in the log file on your local web browser.


or without a token (with a notebook password) :


If everything is being setup correctly, the jupyter notebook will show up in your browser :