===== Using Anaconda on the Cluster ===== Before using anaconda, it's required to load the correct environment module, either on the login node (for preparation) or in your **[[:slurm:sbatch]]** submit scripts. ==== Loading Anaconda Environment ==== Use the following command to load Anaconda2 (with python 2.7) : module load anaconda2/2020.11 source activate or for loading Anaconda3 (with python 3.8) : module load anaconda3/2020.11 source activate ==== Installing Packages ==== For anaconda (or miniconda) you need to create a new environment first : conda create -y -n After this you can install directly the package in the new environment : conda install -n or install it after activation of your environment : conda activate conda install If you require to use [[https://www.spyder-ide.org|spyder ide]], be sure to use the newest version of Xming v7.x. or mobaXterm.